1. Where is my money going?
New Day Church uses most of the money you give to cover the expenses of weekly worship, small group gatherings, and other key ministries.
We maintain a very low overhead with most of the money you give going directly to support our ministries. One dollar out of ten goes to paying our rent for the use of our worship space. Another dollar goes for supplies, food and equipment and another supports a variety of ministries of justice and compassion. These include organizations in our community like the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, Part of the Solution (POTS), New Economy Project, MindBuildiers, and the Bronx River Arts Center. It also includes organizations beyond our community, such as the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
About 7 out of every 10 dollars you give goes directly to support the staff members who plan and lead our worship and other ministries. Our pastor is our only full-time staff member, but we also pay part-time assistant pastors, children’s teachers, worship leaders, and musicians.
“I want to take a moment to thank New Day United Methodist Church for your generous donation! As a small organization, these funds are invaluable in making sure that we are able to continue to provide life-changing services to the LGBTQ community in the Bronx. ”
2. How can I give to a Church when I don’t feel stable in my own finances?
Many of us experience a sense of scarcity and fear when it comes to our finances. However, our faith teaches us that God will supply our needs, even when we’re unable to see how. When faced with the daunting task of feeding 5,000 hungry people, for instance, Jesus encouraged his disciples to share what they had: just five loaves of bread and two fish. What seemed like not enough became plenty for all:
“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.” - Matthew 12:13-21
This is abundance. When we untangle ourselves from a scarcity mindset, and from the negative thinking that there is never enough, we open up ourselves to the possibility of what God can provide.
This is not a clarion call to give recklessly. On the contrary: We encourage you to look thoughtfully and responsibly at your finances, but approach that observation through a perspective of God-centered abundance. Emphasize the blessings you do have, instead of what you don’t, and praise God for them.
Gratefulness may open new doors, not just in your finances, but in all aspects of your life.
3. Why should I give to a church at all?
We’d like to share a few reasons why giving to New Day is a deeply meaningful and impactful experience.
The New Day Principles of Abundance
ONE: Stewardship
A regular practice of abundant giving begins with looking at the ways in which the concept can be applied holistically, not just in church. One who is a good steward over their life has developed core practices that recognizes God’s love in all that they are and all that they have.
By recognizing then demonstrating this love through action, we can create lasting change in our personal lives, and transform our families, congregations, and communities.
In consistent states of gratitude, we see God as the most generous of givers, who desires to use all of who we are to show unbounded love. In turn, we can give back with abundance.
See: 1 Timothy 6:18-19
Two: Communal Abundance
Living in community means sharing what God has given us. By giving to our collectively chosen house of worship, we contribute to each others’ spiritual success, which leaves lasting impressions on our emotional, physical, and mental wellbeings, too.
As we share, what we have collectively becomes more than the sum of its parts. The resulting wellspring of resources has power to impact more than we can imagine.
See: Matthew 12:13-21
Three: Building the Movement
The movement to confront injustice with the compassion and abundance of God is bigger than us. It’s one of global proportions, requiring multiple stakeholders, skills, and gifts.
Because of this, we regularly tithe as a church to community organizations that are also working to build a world filled with compassion, abundance, and justice. The more resources we have ourselves, the more we have to give. Consistent, abundant giving allows us to do that.
See: Acts 2:44-47