In her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, psychologist Brene Brown invites us to "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are." Where do we get these ideas about who we're supposed to be? This Sunday, we will discuss "Authenticity: Letting Go of What People Think." We will explore the image of Psalm 1: trees planted by streams of water, deeply rooted and bearing fruit. What steps can you take into authenticity, into fully embracing all of you and living wholeheartedly?

We all want a genuine kind of love. And while the world can knock us down in our quest for love, this quest persists. On New Day's 7th Anniversary we reflect on how our faith community has been centrally concerned with the work and practice of love.

What situations alienate us from one another and how does Beloved Community heal us? This Sunday, we will be looking at the invitation and power of Beloved Community to heal the ways we are alienated from one another (and ourselves), and made into strangers. We'll examine the invitation in Paul’s letter to see one another as brought together by God to be one another’s healing and to unlock each others potential. We'll learn that we each have a pivotal part to play and embody in the church as a temple of God’s spirit. Choosing Jesus (the alienated one) as our cornerstone offers a grace-filled opportunity to source our being, our choices, and our lives from a belief that authentic relationship with God can transform our lives, crossing boundaries can transform community, and confronting injustice can transform the world.

Pastor Lisa Asedillo-Pratt reflects on Jeremiah 29 and the prophet's advice for a people in exile, seeking home and belonging.
In the midst of uncertainty and fear, we delight in the surprising joy that God brings into the world and into our lives when we least expect it. In times like these, it is critical to know who we are and to act in the hope to which we are called. What mountains are we leveling and where is the glory of God breaking into our lives? What is being born in you in this moment of challenge?