Doug Cunningham (left) founded New Day together with Lisa Asedillo-Pratt (right). Lisa and Alexis Francisco (center) served from 2015 to 2018 as assistant pastors.
Doug was leading United Methodist churches for over 20 years when he began receiving a persistent spiritual call to start a new kind of boundary-crossing ministry.
Planning and prayer came to fruition one Sunday in October 2009. In a rented funeral home, Doug and other members of the Leadership Team led the first gathering of New Day. Appropriately, the message for that day centered around radical change.
New Day church found its new home and weekly worship space inside the cafeteria at the Academy of Mt. St. Ursula on E. 199th St. and Bainbridge Ave. in the South Bronx.
Today, we hold true to our original missions, challenging white supremacist, patriarchal and heterosexist norms – and meeting people exactly where they are – through the love of God.
Join us. All are welcome, and all will be spiritually fed.