*See our response to our April 19 Zoom attack here.

In uncertain times, one thing is consistently true: God is with us. 

"Do not fear," the Bible says in Isaiah 41, "for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." As news concerning the coronavirus develops, we hold fast to scripture, our faith, and the love we all share for our beloved New Day community. 

In order to exercise the greatest care and caution for all who are among us, we are transitioning from in-person gatherings to online and phone gatherings until further notice. We will not meet at Mount Saint Ursula during this time period.

For information about each Sunday service and additional gatherings, connect with us:


Or sign up for our newsletter:

Though this is outside of our normal format, we are excited to gather digitally in community with you, navigating this trying time together in the boldness and power of God's divine grace. 

As each day presents new challenges concerning the coronavirus, we understand that you may feel anxious, concerned, and scared. Please know that we are still here with you. Currently, the Leadership team at New Day is developing a community care plan to address the needs of individuals who may be particularly vulnerable to the day-to-day disruptions that the coronavirus is presenting.

For more information concerning the coronavirus, its symptoms, and prevention methods, please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And for more information on our efforts to address community care, please visit our Community Care page. 

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