Support a New Kind of Church


It’s rare that a Black, queer woman is called into the high calling of pastorship. At New Day, we’re entering this season of Advent in gratitude for the ways we’ve eagerly anticipated this moment. Pastor Tabatha Holley is tasked with the incredible duty of fulfilling our mission laid out in the guiding principles of our church.

With your help, we can raise $25,000 by MLK Day on January 20th to cover our general operating expenses, including pastoral salary, music ministry, children's ministry, hospitality table, and equipment.

Ways to Donate

New Day is a New Kind of Church

Giving at New Day is a counter-cultural practice. We start with a recognition that the earth’s abundance comes from God, our Creator. God gives us food that grows from seeds planted in the ground, and offers us water that flows from the sky into rivers and lakes. Our lives depend on these gifts.

While the world’s economy treats them as commodities for buying and selling, God’s economy undoes the falsehood that a small percentage deserve to hoard resources and privilege while others struggle to survive. Just as God gives to us freely, sharing food, water, and shelter with those who don’t have enough is a way to reconnect with our divine intent– and build genuine community in the process.  

The work that New Day has done in the Bronx in its first 10 years has transformed many lives. We need your support to ensure that our community can sustain for generations to come.

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