Suggestions that emerged during Worship on December 3 to empower women at New Day..
(We're excited to announce the Launching of our new Womyn's Ministry. Contact Pastor Lisa at And please join us for our Women's Liberation Panel on Sunday morning, March 25 at 11:00 a.m.)
Women’s group
Focusing on feminist and womanist theology
Planning a women’s retreat
Providing support and healing for women
Discussing internalized patriarchy
Women’s Leadership
More women speaking in worship
Develop the leadership of women including women of trans experience to take on important roles.
Move beyond traditionally gendered roles: (ie. more men caring for children and preparing hospitality table)
Men’s group
Examine privilege and dismantle patriarchy
Prepare men to talk with men about patriarchy and feminism
Develop healthier forms of masculinity
Listen to women at New Day
Develop a space for men to be real
Develop rituals for men
Acknowledge that given statistics, there may well be men in the congregation who have harmed or are currently harming women. Establish a process for analyzing and interrupting this harm.
Develop a Brothers in Faith gathering and men’s healing circles
Supporting Healing and Transformation
How do we respond when someone shares a violent experience?
Attend bystander intervention training
Have the hard conversations
Develop rituals of healing for men and women
Discuss partner violence during intimate partners violence awareness month
Use a 12 step format for survivors of sex abuse or intimate partner violence
Establish a weekly or monthly prayer call to unload burdens of hetero-sexism
Have the pastoral team take the domestic violence training offered by CONNECT in Harlem on how to identify domestic violence and provide pastoral support
Conduct a mixed gender forgiveness ritual for harm done, harm experienced and of self including taking vows to undertake the training of doing no harm
Other Suggestions
Support Trans justice
Look for signs of sex trafficking
Oppose street harassment and other forms of harassment in the workplace and school
Take trainings in undoing heterosexism
Model liberational parenting practices
Find and use and develop more music written by women