The Womyn’s Group at New Day Church is a space to gather, heal, practice, sojourn, and celebrate our lives, struggles, and theologies as womyn. In this group, we deconstruct and deactivate patriarchy—in ourselves and our communities. We believe this is what Jesus was doing way back when.


Through discussions, readings, rituals, retreats, good snacks, and mentorship, the Womyn’s Group provides room and opportunities for womyn to develop their powers and gifts of spiritual thought, feminist theology, and prophecy. We deepen bonds of sisterhood and mutual encouragement, and exchange wisdom and support across generations and other boundaries.

Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.
— Alice Walker

We are an inclusive, safe space. We understand how gender oppression is connected to LGBTQ, racial and class oppression. As an agent of divine intervention on these fronts, our space invites all people who self-identify as womyn to come, including trans women, gender variant/queer, and left of center.


Join Us

We meet once a month, usually the first of each month, at a rotating cycle of participant homes. For questions and to attend the next meeting, reach out today.