I'm willing; my restless heart turns toward you tonight, my God
in search of comfort
in search of healing
in search of I don't even know what.
Perhaps just to know you are there
would be enough
to meet the hollow ache in the depths of this loneliness
The ground beneath my feet has shifted
And tomorrow the sun will rise on a world
more dangerous than I have ever known
past what I thought were the limits,
more threatening still.
What new perils lie in this wilderness are impossible for us to see.
So tonight, in my sleepless angst,
I gaze out the window at the stars, and pray.
Pray that you look out ahead and be our guide
Steady our gaze at the faint hint of dawn
that brings deliverance
And be the strength we'll need to resist,
the clarity of vision,
the courage,
the faith to trust Love is more powerful than the forces of death that stalk from the shadows
Hear our cries, and be faithful
For we need you now more than ever
Be our rock
Be our shelter
Be our hope against hope
That sorrow might last the longest night
But joy comes in the morning